Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Major Improvements

The second week of classes has begun, and I have made several improvements here in Manchester. I no longer get lost when left alone, and I'm able to successfully navigate around campus and the city center rather well. I went shopping all by myself yesterday; I got on the right bus, got off on the right stop, did all my shopping, and found my way home before dinner!

I've discovered my kitchen, and talked to my hall mate about the cold-shower dilemma. Apparently, the ground floor women's bathroom has never run properly. She showers upstairs, so tonight I'm going to try that as well and have a hot shower finally! I've gained access to the hall library, and can finally print things out! The only thing not completely settled is laundry. My block doesn't have a laundry room, and the block next to mine has a broken laundry room. So I'll have to go to reception and gain access to the block across from mine, and then drag all my laundry over there. I only have one more clan pair of underwear; I'm getting desperate.

My text books have mostly arrived, as did my rain boots. And it's about time, because I really needed them. When it rains here, it RAINS. And the it takes another couple days for the giant puddles to disappear.

I've also settled into my room, and it looks lived in finally. I have new posters to solve the white-walls issue.

I've also cracked and bought Netflix, because my parent's account wouldn't work here in the UK. Also, if you have an "American" laptop and attempt to buy movies here, they won't play. Just saying.

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