Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mary, Gerald, and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

This morning wasn't so bad. I woke up at 8:30, had breakfast with Gerald and Katia at 9, and went to bed for another couple hours, as I was still feeling tired. Then I woke up, and met the gang at the library at around 1:00. Things went as planned: Francine, Holly, and I studied while Gerald took a nap.

Dinner was at 6:00, and that's when everything started to go wrong. The chicken was dry, and the bananas were green. Too green. Gerald struggled with it for a while, finally got it peeled, and promptly dropped it in his custard. Twice. And then, while I was dying of laughter, I picked up my phone, dropped it, and barely missed my own custard. Dinner continued and when we finally left to put our trays away, Gerald managed to drop his butter-covered knife on the floor and managed to get butter all over his shirt.

Then we got our customary after dinner coffee, which I used to burn my knuckle. And I spilled it everywhere on the way to our usual seats in the bar. While drinking our coffee and discussing scholarly things (Ok, we were really talking about seeing Loch Ness monster and the likelihood of me meeting Prince Harry. Which one is more likely I'm sure I don't know) I was twirling my dog tag around my fingers and smacked myself in the forehead. After we finished our coffee, we left the bar and went to our own separate rooms. But on the way, I dropped the plum I had takes for a before bed snack. :(

My poor plum... 

So ended the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

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