Friday, January 16, 2015

1 Hour to Departure

I'm in the airport. I've said my goodbyes, shed my tears, made it unscathed through security, and am sitting here waiting to board my first flight. Ever. My hands are shaking and it's making it hard to type. I feel like I'm going to throw up the eight dollar roast beef sandwich I just ate, and everyone is chewing spearmint gum and the smell is sticking in my nostrils. But I'm here. It's too late to turn back now. I've got a new guardian angel watching out for me so I know I'll be just fine.

Ten minutes to boarding. My stomach is flip flopping. I feel so jittery; I probably shouldn't have drank that Mountain Dew. The security checkpoint thingy keeps beeping and it's getting on my nerves. I can see my plane out the window. I'm overwhelmed with all the noises. The beeping, the crying, the smacking of gum. I'm practicing my deep breathing exercises so I don't fall into a panic attack. I soooo don't need that right now.

Hold me close, LeeAnn, I'll need you

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