Friday, January 16, 2015

My First Flight

One flight down, one to go. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The landing was a little rough, but my dad told me to expect that (I still wasn't, though). I sat next to a really nice lady who was on her way to North Carolina for training with her new job. Her flight was  cancelled because the company had another person to train and they thought it would be more cost efficient to fly them out together. And then the lady found out that this other person was her ex-boyfriend. So there's that. 

And now I'm waiting in Atlanta for my next flight. Have any of you ever been to Atlanta? Because it's huge. It's got a train inside the airport. And a museum. And a mall. It took me ten whole minutes to walk from the gate I got in from to the gate I'm at now. I have 40 minutes till boarding, and 8 more hours on a plane. Then HELLO ENGLAND!!

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